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分类:问答百科 2022-06-17
导读: selfie是什么意思?它与照相有关——夏徛荣考研第335天--“selfie”的词根是“self”(自己)。想出来了吗?它的意思就是自拍。孩子们读完今天的文章之后自然会明白“selfie”的含义。今天的文章选自于《独立报》(有链接)。【回音壁】不知不觉已经到了四月份了。记...


(1) At the end of the day, selfies are harmless fun.

(2) Remember punk?

(3) That movement brilliantly acted as a generation-divider.

(4) Anyone could cut up a T-shirt, hack their hair and wear a black bin bag to upset their parents.

(5) Punk eventually fizzled out, but it served a purpose.

(6) The same will happen with selfies: one day they’ll be deemed passé, and we’ll move on to something else.

(7) In the meantime, there are more important things to get upset about.


at the end of the day 总之

generation-divider 年代划分者

to hack their hair 修剪头发

to wear a black bin bag 穿黑色的垃圾袋

punk* n. (精髓在于破坏,彻底的破坏与彻底的重建就是所谓真正的PUNK精神)

to fizzle* out v. 告吹(超纲词)

to serve a purpose 满意目的

to deem v. 认为,相信

passé* a. 过时的;陈旧的(超纲词)






——At the end of the day, selfies are harmless fun.


——Remember punk?


——That movement brilliantly acted as a generation-divider.


—— Anyone could cut up a T-shirt, hack their hair and wear a black bin bag to upset their parents.


——Punk eventually fizzled out, but it served a purpose.


——The same will happen with selfies: one day they’ll be deemed passé, and we’ll move on to something else.


——In the meantime, there are more important things to get upset about.


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